Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Can anyone explain -- in a way that is logical and can be understood by taxpayers -- how BC Liberal voodoo math works

The BC Liberals say the budget over the next three years will be balanced, and yet the estimated Total Provincial Debt for 2013 / 14 will be $62,689 billion, and that will rise to $69,428 by 2015/ 16 (see official BC Fiscal and Debt Summary

Taxpayer supported interest on the Provincial costs us 4.1 cents of every dollar the government earns.  That will rise to 4.2 cents in 2014 / 15 ... and increase again to 4.3 cents in 2015 / 16. 

The BC Liberal government is forecasting a SURPLUS budget this year of $197 million dollars --- that while at the same time being very quiet about the fact the total provincial debt will be rising to $62.689 BILLION dollars. 

For the following year, they indicated they would have a SURPLUS budget of $211 million dollars -- meantime the total debt, taxpayers are on the hook for, stand at $66,548 BILLION dollars. 

Hold on now ... don't get ahead of me.

And for the budget year 2015 / 2016 the BC Liberals (just two months ago) told us the could bring in a budget SURPLUS of $460 million --- BUT again the total debt shows another increase, this time to $69,428 BILLION.  

So let's see if I have this straight:

The BC Liberals say not only would they balance the budget over each of the next 3 years, they will also run budget surpluses.  
While they do this, the amount of money being paid from government revenue, to cover interest payments on the debt will rise from 4.1 cents per dollar, to $4.3 cents per dollar.
And the amount of the debt will also rise over the three years by another $7 billion dollars.  

Can anyone explain -- in a way that is logical and can be understood by taxpayers -- how BC Liberal voodoo math works.  

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I Believe in BC!

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