Taxpayer supported interest on the Provincial costs us 4.1 cents of every dollar the government earns. That will rise to 4.2 cents in 2014 / 15 ... and increase again to 4.3 cents in 2015 / 16.
The BC Liberal government is forecasting a SURPLUS budget this year of $197 million dollars --- that while at the same time being very quiet about the fact the total provincial debt will be rising to $62.689 BILLION dollars.
For the following year, they indicated they would have a SURPLUS budget of $211 million dollars -- meantime the total debt, taxpayers are on the hook for, stand at $66,548 BILLION dollars.
Hold on now ... don't get ahead of me.
And for the budget year 2015 / 2016 the BC Liberals (just two months ago) told us the could bring in a budget SURPLUS of $460 million --- BUT again the total debt shows another increase, this time to $69,428 BILLION.
So let's see if I have this straight:
The BC Liberals say not only would they balance the
budget over each of the next 3 years, they will also run budget surpluses.
And the amount of the debt will also rise over the three years by another $7 billion dollars.
Can anyone explain -- in a way that is logical and can be understood by taxpayers -- how BC Liberal voodoo math works.
Let's 'stay sharp'
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I Believe in BC!
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