Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Monday, 29 April 2013

The voters I wish to represent, regardless of whether they choose to vote for me or not, deserve nothing less.

I've been busy on the campaign trail again the past week ... meeting and talking with the people of Kamloops South Thompson.
As you know I, and fellow candidate for Kamloops North Thompson Ed Klop, both attended the Kamloops and Thompson Teachers Association / TRU Facility, all-candidates forum last Thursday evening --- as well as the Council of Canadians forum which was held on Saturday morning at the Kamloops Farmers Market. 
Regretfully neither BC Liberal candidate, Todd Stone or Terry Lake, choose to attend either of these forums. 
Getting out and 'earning' the votes of the people of Kamloops, is just one of the reasons why I did indeed attend these forums.

Another -- and perhaps of even greater importance -- is the respect that I feel is owed those who will be casting their votes on May 14th. 
Today, I would also like to take a moment and share an email which I received -- and the response I gave this individual: 
Hello, Mr.Sharp, my name is Taylor,  
I am currently doing a research project on the different political parties, looking for what they intend to do if they win.  On your webpage, you say "we need a change!". I would like for you to try to sell my vote to your party. Why do you think you are certain you'll win? 
Good luck, thanks  
I responded to this individual saying: 
Good morning Taylor, 
Thank you for contacting me, and for your question.  There is nothing certain about me, or any of my fellow candidates, winning election on May 14th.  I do believe however that we do need change, and that appears to be a feeling amongst many of the people here in BC.

I have made a commitment, as has our party, that MLA's elected under the BC Conservative banner, are first and foremost to represent the concerns of the people in their riding.  I do believe this is also a principle shared by the BC Green Party --- HOWEVER it is definitely not one shared by either the NDP or the Liberals; they maintain MLA's must follow the party, the party leader, and party whip.
I would very much like to have your vote --- in fact "Earn" your vote! 
They are a lot of words in the speech I gave at our Kamloops South Thompson BC Conservative nomination meeting, they were however sincere, and you can find them at http://www.electpetersharp4mla.blogspot.ca/p/my-nomination-speech.html
If I can share or discuss anything specific with regards to our party platform we are putting forward as the common-sense ideas of British Columbians, please be sure to give me a call.
Again thank you for contracting me, and I do hope that regardless of which party you decide to support, that you will indeed get out on election day to cast your vote. 
In the next two weeks their will be further debates -- I will be at them all.
I will also make myself available to anyone that wishes to share a concern, ask a question, or who wishes to find out more on our policies. The voters I wish to represent, regardless of whether they choose to vote for me or not, deserve nothing less.
Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC!

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