As many of you well know, the BC Conservative Party has long been opposed to the Carbon Tax, and it's non-identical twin the Pacific Carbon Trust.
Neither in my option, have done anything to protect the environment, or reduce our carbon footprint. They have however, been a huge drain to the pockets of residents of BC -- especially those living in the interior and the north. They have also pulled millions of dollars from the budgets of schools and hospitals -- money that would have been better spent in the classroom, or providing direct medical services.
I'd like to share the conversation I had, and encourage and invite you to let me know your thoughts:
Dear Peter Sharp,
Backing off on the carbon tax and freezing it at current levels for 5 years does not demonstrate a meaningful commitment to meet our provincial Climate Action targets.
On May 14, I will be voting for a candidate who shows strong leadership on climate change by committing to expand and increase the carbon tax. The resulting new revenue could be used to reduce emissions, create jobs, and diversify our economy.
For more information on the three-point plan that makes sense to me, please visit .
Please consider discussing this with your party’s leadership.
Thank you!
Gisela R
Good evening Gisela ...
With all due respect, the carbon tax has always been nothing more than a TAX, false wrapped in phony mislabeled environmentally friendly re-cycled gift wrap. This was a TAX grab plain and simple, it has done little if anything to reduce our carbon footprint (which they said it was going to do), and it has unfairly penalized hundreds of thousands of people because of where they live.
Those with little or poor access to transit pay extra on gas and diesel to get to work ... those outside the lower mainland pay more to heat their homes because of the added carbon tax on gas and oil heating products ... and again those outside the lower mainland pay more for the goods they purchase for their families (groceries, clothing, furniture, etc) because of the increased shopping costs with the added burden of the carbon tax.
Economists and environmentalists alike have said it is little more than a sham and a scam.
You have my pledge to do everything I can to ensure we do our utmost to preserve and protect our environment, however supporting the Carbon Tax will certainly NOT be one of them.
Peter Sharp,
BC Conservative Party candidate
Thanks for your response. Obviously, we disagree quite strongly on this. I personally believe that driving up the price of carbon is one of the most effective tools to reducing carbon use. People buy more fuel-efficient cars every time the price of gas goes up, and that’s exactly the kind of behaviour change we need if we are to reduce our GHG emissions.
Unfortunately, you’re flat out wrong when you say that environmentalists don’t like the carbon tax. I think you may be confused with the carbon-offset program (Pacific Carbon Trust) or the BC governments claim to be “carbon neutral.” There has been a lot of discussion on the utility of this program, from both environmentalists and economists. It’s easy to be confused if you don’t follow these issues very carefully, as the Auditor General has recently been critical of the governments claim. He did not call the carbon tax a scam.
On the contrary, a coalition of BC’s main environmental groups is actually calling for a strengthening of the carbon tax. I challenge you to find credible environmentalists who are opposed to BC’s carbon tax.
Please do your research on this issue before spreading false information.
Gisela R
Hello again Gisela ...
You are indeed right that we appear to be at opposite ends on this --- however, that does allow for us to have a frank and meaningful dialogue and discussion. That is as it should be.
Just to clarify, I did not mean to indicate that all environmentalists were opposed, there are some however that are ... even people that I know personally who are VERY STRONG advocates for our environment.
As I have said before and elsewhere, this is my community, and my province as well. One of the reasons I love living here is because of the diverse landscapes and seascapes that we have. I want them protected just as much as everyone else. I think we just disagree on how that can be accomplished.
It can be done however, and when elected I will continue to work with any and all, to find solutions to issues and problems we face, in having safe development of projects with good high paying jobs, and protection of our environment.
Peter Sharp
Again, I am very interested to hear what you think and have to say on this topic. Please feel to respond directly to this post, or send me an email at
Let's 'stay sharp'
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC!
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