Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Monday, 13 May 2013

We believe in our people – and the willingness of the vast majority to be daring – in seeking solutions to the challenges which will face us

The election campaign is in its' final hours.  After everything you have heard from them, I ask; “Are either the BC Liberals, or NDP parties you believe should govern our province?”
Again, the questions asks if they “should govern” – not if they “can govern”.
Late last week both the NDP and Liberals ran full-page ads, in the same edition of the Kamloops Daily News, which attacked and tore each other down.
This is what THEY DO, rather than giving YOU a positive choice and option to support and vote for.  So here is the choice, which I ask you consider; the BC Conservative Party which instead wishes to build up the people of BC. 
I freely admit we do not have all of the answers, to the many questions and issues which face our province.  However, we welcome the opportunity to enter a dialogue -- with you – so that WE can work together for the betterment of our province.
We believe in our people – and the willingness of the vast majority to be daring in seeking solutions to the challenges which will face us in the coming months and years ahead. 
We believe in our potential … and we believe in our future as a province that can lead the country in jobs, prosperity, in working together to create new opportunities for the next generation which follows us, and in ensuring we lend a hand to those in need.
Tomorrow you have a choice.  
Do we want more of the same from the BC Liberals and NDP ... or a return to accountability in government. 
The polls seem to show that the vast majority of British Columbians; our seniors ... our families ... our children ... and small business people, are looking for an alternative and a return to government that gets down to the basics of good governance. 
The BC Conservatives are that alternative.  The alternative for smaller government, less taxes, and real family supporting job creation. 
I commit to you, that as your MLA, I will fight to control wasteful government spending. Government does not need to spend more … it does not need to spend less … it simply needs to cut waste and spend smarter.
To do that, I'm counting on your support.
I ask you to vote Peter Sharp, and together we can build a better BC to live, work and raise a family.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

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