Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Monday, 15 April 2013

SHAME on you for the lies and arrogance. You can't trowel on enough of that to hide and mask the truth any longer!

So, how many watched the Christy Clark Show last night at 7pm on Global TV? 
Win, lose, or draw, Clark definitely will be deserving of the Best Female Actress award from the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television’s new CANADIAN SCREEN AWARDS, which recognize excellence in film, television and digital media productions.
I had been thinking of possible comments I might make, but to tell you the truth after seeing the first and only three comments my campaign manager, Alan Forseth, made -- I think he really did capture the spirit of what many were thinking.
So, unvarnished and unedited, this is what Al had to say last night:  
Comment #1 
Just watching the taped version of Christy's 1/2 hour info-mercial. Well right off the bat I'll ask the same thing Christy that you did ... "Why is it okay to for our government to leave our kids with a debt?"

YOU SHOULD be ashamed you've left us worse off. Your Liberal government has doubled our debt :(  
Comment #2 
Christy Clark asks: "Do we want look after our kids future -- do we want to give them choices, that they're going to want to have, to run their future -- or do we want to take away their future by saddling them with debt?"
Good grief ... is she really serious? How can a government that has been so completely wasteful with taxpayers resources seriously ask that question. THIS is what BC Conservatives have been asking -- because it is BC Liberals that have INDEED doubled the provinces debt -- just as the NDP did --- and BOTH of them HAVE seriously jeopardized our children's futures!
Shame on you Christy Clark for NOT being to embarrassed and ashamed to try and pull off that kind of phony BS! 
Comment #3 
Oh my goodness ... I'm only 5 minutes in and I don't know if I can stomach any more of this trite revisionist look at the BC Liberals. She says she wants to balance the budget so we don't saddle our children with debt?
Well excuse me for asking -- but what do you call the new $7 billion you will be adding to the debt over the next 3 years, if your Liberal government is re-elected. 
That's no magical number drawn out of thin air by the way Christy -- that IS from the BC Ministry of Finance records.

Again --- SHAME on you for the lies and arrogance. You can't trowel on enough of that to hide and mask the truth any longer!!!!!  
Now here's the thing; Alan wasn't exclusive to those thoughts.  I have seen a number of other posts, on social media, that are similar.  Of course there were / are also numerous posts by Liberal insiders, MLA's and supporters.  Really not much different than what you would except.
I am interested to hear what you thought however, of last nights half hour info-mercial for the BC Liberals. 
Did it strengthen your opinion either way?  Did it change your mind on how you plan to vote? Did you simply say, more of the same ... blah, blah, blah.
Post a comment or send me an email to sharp4mla@gmail.com.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC!

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