Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

"I believe John Cummins and I will take him at his word ... I will look after the concerns of my constituents over that of the party."

Kamloops South BC Conservative Peter Sharp
In a recent issue of Kamloops This Week, columnist Dale Bass took the position that no politician works in the best interests of their constituents, but instead slavishly follows the party line. 

Given recent political practice, it is not hard to see where such blatant cynicism comes from.  Nevertheless, the “tarred with same brush” approach is inherently unfair to those politicians who do genuinely work hard, often behind the scenes, for those they represent. 

I was recently asked what one change I would make if elected. This is what I had to say.

"…it would be to show the people of Kamloops South Thompson that government
really  can represent them.  We now have more and more people becoming apathetic,
and who no longer believe it makes any difference if they vote or not."

"I want them to see that they can have input into the decision making
process, and that government really can be accountable to them
With regard to the Ajax Mine project, I had a lengthy discussion with party leader John Cummins over how I, as a potential Conservative MLA, could (and should) handle the issue.  Here is my summary of that conversation:John Cummins told me that I should tell my constituents that when the environmental reports are released, to definitely consult with all constituents to seek their input. From the beginning, that is exactly what I have said I will do. 

I will not only do it on this issue, I will do it on any major issue of concern to the people of Kamloops South Thompson!"

I believe John Cummins and I will take him at his word.  I can state truthfully that I will do just that, I will look after the concerns of my constituents over that of the party.

The bottom line is this: We believe in British Columbia. We believe in our people, their willingness to be daring and innovative, our natural resources and our geographic advantages. We believe in our potential; we believe in the future.
BC Conservatives welcome the opportunity to enter a dialogue, with British Columbians from all walks of life, on how best we may work together in the future.
This is a commitment I intend to fulfill!  And while I have NO reason to believe it would ever be necessary, I hereby state that I will indeed sit as an independent should the party I represent ever demand I vote against the will of my constituents.

That is the kind of BC Conservative candidate I intend to be, that is the kind of leader we have, and that is how the BC Conservatives will operate as a government.

Meantime, when 
asked if he will commit to standing up for constituents ahead of party, BC Liberal Terry Lake stated, "While it is known that party politics is a team sport and there are limits to one’s ability to freelance"

Mr. Lake ... this has NOTHING to do with free-lancing, and everything to do with accountability to the people you represent.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I Believe In BC!

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