Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Friday, 15 March 2013

Judges at any level, listening to two opponents arguing like this, would give them the sharp end of their tongue in rebuke

Today in Kamloops, we have been treated to the news media filled with stories of alleged improprieties, with NDP supporters of Tom Friedman using the email accounts of Thompson Rivers University, to seek support and donations.

The NDP has fired back that Todd Stone was falsely given credit at a BC Liberal government funding announcement for the Law School at TRU. 

And Christy Clark apologizes, again, saying “Serious mistakes were made” after it came to light that government staffers were exploring ways to promote the BC Liberal party at taxpayer expense.

I have to tell you, we are witnessing nothing less than a simple case of the pot calling the kettle black, in order to garner voters from unsuspecting voters.  We have two political opponents are doing little more than arguing one side cheated more than the other

As a former RCMP officer, I can tell you that judges at any level, listening to two opponents arguing like this, would give them the sharp end of their tongue in rebuke for wasting the courts valuable time.  In this case, not only are they wasting time in arguments like these, they are clearly using taxpayers money for partisan purposes. This is misuse and misappropriation of the peoples money.  

It is becoming increasingly clear we need a change.  The BC Conservative Party is one with a clear common sense vision for our province. 

We have made a commitment that our government will manage the province with the highest standards of integrity and transparency.  We will be accountable to the people of British Columbia.

I call on all voters, in Kamloops South Thompson, to support the BC Conservative Party and help bring about the change we need in here in British Columbia.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC.

FOLLOW-UP.  Since I wrote this earlier today, I came across a story in the Province newspaper.  I don't know about you, but this stirs outrage in me.

Premier Christy Clark’s inner circle developed and executed a comprehensive strategy that used government resources for partisan purposes in an effort to advance the interests of the B.C. Liberal Party in swing ridings, the Province has learned.
CLICK HERE to read more:

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