Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

"The role of unions is to help members in the work place. Using the dues of union members in partisan politics is not, in my opinion, a role they should be engaging in

BC Conservatives believe that support for political party's should come from individual people --- NOT from BIG business -- NOT from BIG labour.

I do not believe that monies union members pay in dues, should be used for partisan purposes, not at least without them members having an opportunity to decide by secret ballot if this is something they are in favour of.

The following is just one more reason why I believe this should not be permitted. Here we have the leadership of the BCGEU not only is blatantly supporting the NDP and using the dues of union members to do so -- support for this cause appears to be so weak they are now basically pleading for members to take part.

The campaign, "BCGEU Votes" is an outreach program, and while it does not outright call for the support of the NDP, there is little doubt as to who the recipients of their time and energies will be.

This campaign is not about promoting what is right for the majority of hard working British Columbian's. No, instead they say that
"Getting our members out to vote is critically important for our union."

They also state, "The future of our union, our members and our province, depends on it."

You can read more about it in the following email, which was provided to us, by a member of the BCGEU.  In fact -- two emails were received from them. The second shows that there does not appear to be a lot of support for this campaign.

In part, Karri Bepple states,
"I haven't had a lot of people respond to me about the Saturday, April 6th event - I know it's a few short weeks away and I would really appreciate if you can help me get the word out to more members."

Many of these areas have been noted with BLUE italics in the two emails provided to me.

It appears they are now having to offer prizes in the hopes of having people come out to attend their workshops. Again these areas have been noted in BLACK italics

PEOPLE should support what they believe in. Politics is not where big business and big labor should be calling the shots.

The role of unions is to help workers in the work place – spending the dues of union members in partisan politics is not in my opinion a role they should be engaging in.

That's what I believe -- what say you?

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC.

NOW ... here are the two email messages which I had forwarded to me:

From: Kari Bepple <kari.bepple.bcgeu@gmail.com>
Date: 12 March, 2013 3:19:13 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Political Action Campaign - BCGEU Votes! needs your help!

Hi folks, 

You are receiving this email because you are members that are involved in activism - some on your local exec, some as stewards, or bargaining reps, or OHS reps or all of the above! I felt it made sense to send this out to you all first! 

BCGEU has launched a membership outreach campaign called BCGEU VOTES! Our Provincial Executive has made this a priority for the union and the objective of the campaign is to outreach to all of our members and confirm that they will get out and vote!! I recently spent two days in training and will be overseeing the campaign for area 05 for the next two months. - here is a message I received at training last week from our President, Darryl Walker:

"This is perhaps one of the most important campaigns our union has ever undertaken. The future of our union, our members and our province, depends on it."  

This is our opportunity to really make a change for the better—especially for our members and families. Getting our members out to vote is critically important for our union and hopefully we will see change. You are key to making this happen.  

With your help, we are going to talk to our 65,000 members about the importance of this election--in lunch rooms, at meetings, over the phone, through social media and other communications, and on the doorstep. 

17 key members, working with staff, will put together a campaign plan to engage and mobilize our members around the election.  

For those of you that don't know me I am the local chair of 305 and I'm heading up the political action team (area 05) for BCGEU Votes! I will be on book off until May 14, 2013 working out of the area office. I have a few things I'd appreciate your help with. 

If you have some time you can spare to come out and help me get the word out to members, I'd appreciate hearing from you! I will be entering people's names that volunteer into draws for prizes and will make sure everyone is fed whenever they come out

I am planning a number of events over the next few months where I will build a team of volunteers to go to the doorsteps of our members and encourage them to get out and vote or to come in and do some really easy phone banks that I will make fun and worthwhile. It will be members engaging members. 

I am looking for union members to give as little as two hours of their time and I guarantee we will make it fun. I hope that every Local will come out to help do this. We are going to be issuing prizes for the local that gets the most participation with door knocking/phone banking combined. Perhaps there is another local you can challenge??? 

On Saturday, April 6, 2013 we will be having a great event where members of our Provincial Executive will be in town and will go with us to see members on the doorsteps of their homes. 

We will be providing training, a great lunch, and awesome prizes!! Please put the date in your calendar! 

If you aren't able to help but know of other members that might be interested, please feel free to pass this email along to them. 

If any of you are interested in helping out, please email me or call. I can be reached in the local officers room at the area office (250) 434-5020 or my cell at (250) xxx -- xxxx.

with thanks - in solidarity!

Kari Bepple
Local Chair 305
Political Action Organizer (Area 05)

Please note the original email did include the personal cel phone number for Kari Bepple - out of courtesy we did not include it in this post.  

The following is the second email, sent out by Kari Bepple, from the BCGEU.  This one certainly seems to indicate the response is not as good as expected – and again promoting the fact they are offering prizes as incentive for union members to take part:

From: Kari Bepple <kari.bepple.bcgeu@gmail.com>
Date: 25 March, 2013 4:52:08 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: April 6, 2013

 Hi everyone, 
I haven't had a lot of people respond to me about the Saturday, April 6th event - I know it's a few short weeks away and I would really appreciate if you can help me get the word out to more members. We are hosting the P.E. as well as 3 VP's and our President. 
I need at least 20-30 more volunteers for that day... there will be door prizes, swag and food
Members will be trained and fed then paired up and go out and door knock for two hours, come back to the area office for prizes, wrap up and swag. There will be plenty of time between the end of the event and the start of the banquet! 
If you can't help out at that event please choose one of the other dates and times listed below. Food is included with all of them!: 
Door knocking dates: April 6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, May 4, May 9
Starting at the area office - there will be training, food, prizes, swag, etc. 
Phone banking dates: March 28, April 3, 4, 8, 15, 22, May 1, May 2, May 8
At the area office - there will be training, food, prizes, swag, etc. 
Everyone that helps out between now and May 14 will have their name entered into a draw for a nights accommodation at Hotel 540 plus breakfast for two the next day
Please feel free to pass this info on to other activists. If you have any questions my cell phone number is: (250) xxx - xxxx or email: kari.bepple.bcgeu@gmail.com
thanks for your support! We have 946 members to contact so I would greatly appreciate some activists from each component!!! 

Kari Bepple
Local Chair 305
Political Action Organizer (Area05)
BCGEU Votes!

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