Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Monday, 13 May 2013

We believe in our people – and the willingness of the vast majority to be daring – in seeking solutions to the challenges which will face us

The election campaign is in its' final hours.  After everything you have heard from them, I ask; “Are either the BC Liberals, or NDP parties you believe should govern our province?”
Again, the questions asks if they “should govern” – not if they “can govern”.
Late last week both the NDP and Liberals ran full-page ads, in the same edition of the Kamloops Daily News, which attacked and tore each other down.
This is what THEY DO, rather than giving YOU a positive choice and option to support and vote for.  So here is the choice, which I ask you consider; the BC Conservative Party which instead wishes to build up the people of BC. 
I freely admit we do not have all of the answers, to the many questions and issues which face our province.  However, we welcome the opportunity to enter a dialogue -- with you – so that WE can work together for the betterment of our province.
We believe in our people – and the willingness of the vast majority to be daring in seeking solutions to the challenges which will face us in the coming months and years ahead. 
We believe in our potential … and we believe in our future as a province that can lead the country in jobs, prosperity, in working together to create new opportunities for the next generation which follows us, and in ensuring we lend a hand to those in need.
Tomorrow you have a choice.  
Do we want more of the same from the BC Liberals and NDP ... or a return to accountability in government. 
The polls seem to show that the vast majority of British Columbians; our seniors ... our families ... our children ... and small business people, are looking for an alternative and a return to government that gets down to the basics of good governance. 
The BC Conservatives are that alternative.  The alternative for smaller government, less taxes, and real family supporting job creation. 
I commit to you, that as your MLA, I will fight to control wasteful government spending. Government does not need to spend more … it does not need to spend less … it simply needs to cut waste and spend smarter.
To do that, I'm counting on your support.
I ask you to vote Peter Sharp, and together we can build a better BC to live, work and raise a family.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Your vote can't be split. It is unique and fully complete -- there is NO way to split it in half, quarters, thirds, or whatever

Today my campaign manager, Alan Forseth, had a post that he made on his 'Mostly Politics' Facebook page  I liked what he had to say , and so I would like to share it with you as well. 
Here is what he had to say: 
I did a poll today and the result was 100% support for Kamloops South Thompson BC Conservative candidate Peter Sharp (Elect Peter Sharp Kamloops-South). 
Okay that is a little tongue in cheek, and I was the only person surveyed, however the reality is each one of us does make our own choice when it comes to marking our ballot.
Each one of us is a poll of 'one' in the voting booth, and our vote carries as much weight as the next poll of one.
Some have said don't vote Green you'll split the NDP vote ... others say don't vote Conservative you'll split the Liberal vote.  Of course we BC Conservatives could also say don't vote Liberal because you'll split the Conservative vote, and likewise for the Green Party vs. the NDP.
The reality is, there is no vote split.  
Your vote can't be split.
It is unique and fully complete -- there is NO way to split it in half, quarters, thirds, or whatever.
When you head to the voting station, vote for who YOU want to represent YOU; the person who has best shown they are someone you can relate to, and that holds the same beliefs and ideals you do, or at least ones that are close.
You can't go wrong with that. That's how democracy works.
Good luck to all candidates -- and thank you for stepping up and letting your name stand to represent the people you hope will become your constituents. 
How many time have you heard the vote splitting argument?  This, to me, simply states it the way it really is.  Your votes is yours, and yours alone, and it cannot be split. 
On Tuesday -- I encourage YOU vote for the person YOU wish to have represent you.  After all, it's your choice to make.
Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

"I support strong -- and responsible -- exploration, mining and mineral processing industry in BC"

BC is Canada’s single largest exporter of coal, largest producer of copper and
the only producer of molybdenum (http://www.mining.bc.ca/bc-mining-week)
It's Mining Week in BC, and so it comes as know surprise, that in the past several days, my campaign email has been filled with messages from those supporting mining.  Near identical in nature, they generally put forward the following:
          Dear Candidate,

As a supporter of a strong and responsible exploration, mining and mineral processing industry in BC, I would like to know how you will support investment, growth and competitiveness in all stages of mineral resource development, if you are elected on May 14.

Mining supports jobs and families in communities across our province.  BC has 21 major mines, over 30 industrial mineral producers, 2 smelters and over 350 exploration projects.  There are also over 900 companies in BC that provide supplies and services to mining operations.  

In 2010 the BC mining industry supported over 37,000 well-paying direct and indirect jobs.  In 2011 it provided $9.9 billion to the BC economy and $805 million in payments to government to support important social programs, including education and healthcare.  

BC mines also provide the minerals and metals we need for every-day life.  Computers, bicycles, transit systems and hydroelectric energy transmission would not be possible without mining.

The mining industry will continue to play a key role in the economy of BC into the coming years if government and industry work together to support a strong exploration, mining and mineral processing industry that is committed to safety and leadership in environmental stewardship.

Please find below a set of questions developed by the www.votemining.ca campaign.  I am interested in knowing where you stand on these questions and how you will support a responsible exploration, mining and mineral processing industry if you are elected on May 14.

If you are elected ... etc ...

They then go on to ask several questions regarding my position, and that of the BC Conservatives, regarding support of mining in BC.  For anyone wondering, let me unequivocally state that; "I support strong -- and responsible -- exploration, mining and mineral processing industry in BC." 
Why should I have an issue with that statement?
I am a BC Conservative after all, and we support the good high-paying family supporting jobs, that come from safe and environmentally sound development projects. 
That's why I have NO problem providing the following response to these emails: 
The bottom line simple answer is that BC Conservative are pro-resource development, and unlike the BC Liberals and NDP, that is our starting point.  

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

"I challenge my fellow Kamloops - South Thompson candidates, Todd Stone and Tom Friedman, to make the same clear and unambiguous statement!"

Today my campaign team and I put together the following Media Release, which was sent out to radio, newspaper, and TV here in Kamloops.

The voters of Kamloops - South Thompson will soon make their choice for MLA.  But who will stand up for the best interests of this riding?  
Will it be Liberal Todd Stone voting with the docile herd according to the direction of the party whips?  Or NDP Tom Friedman, tied to a party beholden to big union interests?  Or a clear alternative; Peter Sharp of the BC Conservatives. 
"Kamloops South needs an MLA who will speak his mind, and represent the best interests of the voters who have elected him -- even if that runs counter to the stated position of the party." stated Kamloops - South Thompson BC Conservative candidate Peter Sharp. 
"I have personally received an assurance from party leader John Cummins, while in Kamloops, that he expects his MLA’s to vote according to their constituents wishes." Sharp continued.
John Cummins is also on the record (Vancouver Sun - May 3) saying: “You put your constituents ahead of the party. Manning used to tell us that. It’s the folks at home that elect you. You’ve got to put their interests ahead of the party.  I believed that; I still do.” 
Continued Sharp, "The position my party takes is clear; you should have Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA's) who listen to you, first and foremost.  I have a leader who backs that up 100 percent."

Monday, 6 May 2013

Now, for those of you who are undecided ... or in the Liberal camp because of fear ... I encourage you to ask yourself this question ...

The other day the following question was posted online:
"How can a 3 party system work when the socialist NDP garner a province wide 35+% vote consistently, and in most lower mainland ridings only lose seats by 100's of votes. PLEASE tell me how a three party system will work?"  
That's a good questions -- and definitely worthy of a response. 
I would have to say that it is then imperative for the remaining 65% to be EARNED by a party that clearly differentiates themselves from the herd in the center left.
The current BC Liberal government has really only shown themselves to be a 'slightly' slower moving version of the tax & spend / big government NDP.
BC Conservatives on the other hand have shown they do have a better common sense option.
Clearly it is up to voters to decide whether they wish to buy into the scare tactics of the BC Liberals, who in recent years have not had much in the way of positive government to offer. 
Or ... they can give a good look to the BC Conservatives who have put forward a platform of clearly defined policies using the common sense of British Columbian's.
I for one find it offensive the best that the BC Liberals have to offer as a reason to get our vote is ... "Vote for us, we're not the NDP
The next several years are indeed critical to BC --- so what do you say to the alleged 'balanced' budgets which nearly everyone believes to be untrue?
How do you feel about the BC Liberals adding a further $6.7 BILLION dollars to the provincial debt over the next 4 years (that's another 10% increase).  And how do you feel about the Liberals not even making an attempt to get debt under control and not 'starting' to pay it down until 15 years from now?
What we need, in my opinion, is better government accountability. 
We should have Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA's) who listen to the people who have elected them first and foremost (rather than having to do what the party says they must).  And ... we need government that says lets buckle down and figure out how to spend smarter -- not more. 
To me the option of both the Liberals and the NDP are, quite frankly, not really much of an option at all.
Neither one is willing to say YES to good resource development jobs that will create high paying jobs for our youth -- with the normal regulations that the environment ministry would call for (rather than listening to all the doom and gloom scenarios that have a billion and one chance of ever possibly happening.)
Let's stop training our young people for jobs that don't exist because of all the B.A.N.A.N.A. (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything) fear mongers. Right now ... many of our children and grand-children are having to leave BC, in droves, because there is no work for them here. 
That my friends is downright criminal! 
BC Conservatives are the FIRST provincial party I have ever joined -- and I only did less than 2 years ago AFTER seeing small 'c' conservatives could no longer support a lack of policies, principles, and leadership (in the BC Liberals Party) which I could support.
While we have been encouraged to do so, WHY on earth would we join any organization that does not fit with our ideals of small government, smarter spending, accountability and integrity.
The fact of the matter is I, and others, have been encourage by small 'c' conservatives within the (Liberal) party, to come over and join them in taking it over, and jettisoning the BIG "L" Liberals. I have to say, that does NOT sound very ethical to me.
If you believe in integrity and accountability in government, then join with others on our BC Conservative team, because those two things appear to not be on the radar of the BC Liberals.  They are not prepared to have discussion on them, and the proof is in their track record of recent years, which continues to this very day.  
Now, for those of you who are undecided ... or in the Liberal camp because of fear ... I encourage you to ask yourself this question:
"If it did not / would not lead to an NDP government, would you rather support the BC Liberals, or the BC Conservatives?"
I'm no mind reader but I think I have a good idea what your answer would be.
Now, consider asking your friends the same question, and see what they have to say.
There is one way to ensure we do not get subjected to more of the same we have had under the NDP and the BC Liberals.  Support the BC Conservatives, promote the BC Conservatives, get your friends and family to do the same.
There are MORE small 'c' conservatives, with a social conscience, out there than you realize.
Finally , and with all due respect to those who fear the only choice they have is between the NDP and the BC Liberals, remember this ... real change does not come from doing the same thing over and over again.
Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Change for the better will not come from taxing and spending more -- as BOTH the Liberals and NDP have proposed.

Last night was the CBC / Kamloops Daily News all-candidates forum.  From coverage in the newspapers today one would be hard pressed to know that BC Conservatives attended, and actually had some important comments to make, but that's life.
Regardless, I would like to provide you with the opening and closing statements I made last night.

Good evening, and thank you for being here tonight.  
Earlier this year Terry Lake was quoted saying:  “What we do see, as we get closer to election, is that people are understanding what the BC Conservatives are all about ...”
Terry's implied threat, was there was something to be concerned about. 
Well let me tell you one thing here and now -- he knows that his implied statement was completely without a scrap of truth. 
In fact ... because WE BELIEVE IN BC ... and the people of BC ... I am proud to say our beliefs, principles and policies differ greatly from the BC Liberal Party. 
WE - as BC Conservatives - believe in clearly defined policies and programs that are affordable, effective, and accountable to each one of you.  
We believe you are entitled to full knowledge of the services government provides ... AND what they cost. 
After all ... how else can any of us know if we are getting good value? 
WE -- as BC Conservatives --  believe that our provincial government must operate with the highest standards of integrity and transparency.  
And we believe that governments at all levels ... are responsible to serve, and respect, all individuals and their families.  
In a matter of minutes I am sure that Kamloops South BC Liberal Todd Stone, will repeat Christy Clarks claim that top bond rating agencies have declared her budget as one which is balanced. 
That is a NOT true. 
Helmut Pastrick, the chief economist of Central One Credit Union says Moody's and other credit rating agencies examine budget projections ... they DO NOT verify them as balanced ... or not balanced. 
In fact, Queen University economist Donald Drummond, said Moody's actually raised concerns about the government hitting its balanced target. 
The provincial budget in February came with a 'claim' it was balanced ... but how does that square with a report from BC Statistics?  
Under this so-called balanced budget, BC Stats showed a further $6.7 billion in debt was about to be added -- another 10% increase -- over the four year budget projections presented in the legislature. 
I am proud to say I am a BC Conservative --- I am proud to say I BELIEVE in BC --- and I am proud to say that using common sense, WE CAN do better. 
Change for the better will not come from taxing and spending more -- as BOTH the Liberals and NDP have proposed.  
Instead it will come from getting back to basics and learning to spend smarter. 
I will come from MLA's who are truly free to be accountable to, and vote the wishes of, the people they represent. 
I HAVE the authority to do exactly that, by my party, and by my leader John Cummins.   
And ... I can assure you this is NOT a statement which either BC Liberal Todd Stone, OR the NDP's Tom Freidman, will be able to make to you.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

A jar of jam can be labeled as “Product of British Columbia” so long as the berries from Mexico are processed in BC. It is very misleading.

Today here in Kamloops, I was proud to stand beside our BC Conservative Party leader, along with Michael Beauclair (candidate for Fraser-Nicola), and Graeme James (candidate for Kelowna-Lake Country).

Today, our party announced an important plank in our platform -- one which shows clear support to our agriculture and aquaculture industry. 
The announcement highlighted a branded communication program called My British Columbia" -- which includes incentive for British Columbians' here in the Thompson Nicola region --- and around the provide -- to buy and support local growers, ranchers, and fishers.
Here are some of the details of the "My British Columbia" program:

Provide families and businesses with a tax credit of up to $500 per year to encourage them to buy qualifying locally grown, raised, caught, or processed agri-food products at retailers, restaurants, and farmer’s markets across BC.

Provide operators across all levels of British Columbia’s agri-food value chain (growers, processors, fishers, distributors, retailers, restaurants, nurseries, schools, hospitals and agri-tourism operators) with the incentives and online branded collaterals necessary to proactively source and prominently feature locally grown, raised and processed agri-food products. 

Increase food security in British Columbia by celebrating the considerable investments made by agri-food operators that participate in and/or meet the exemplary standards set by existing certification bodies such as OceanWise, SPCA Certified, COABC and HealthCheck .  Future program recognitions may expand to include GMO labelling and biodiversity. 

And here is something we feel is very important to the success of this program -- and in ensuring that BC food producers can be supported:

Monday, 29 April 2013

The voters I wish to represent, regardless of whether they choose to vote for me or not, deserve nothing less.

I've been busy on the campaign trail again the past week ... meeting and talking with the people of Kamloops South Thompson.
As you know I, and fellow candidate for Kamloops North Thompson Ed Klop, both attended the Kamloops and Thompson Teachers Association / TRU Facility, all-candidates forum last Thursday evening --- as well as the Council of Canadians forum which was held on Saturday morning at the Kamloops Farmers Market. 
Regretfully neither BC Liberal candidate, Todd Stone or Terry Lake, choose to attend either of these forums. 
Getting out and 'earning' the votes of the people of Kamloops, is just one of the reasons why I did indeed attend these forums.

Another -- and perhaps of even greater importance -- is the respect that I feel is owed those who will be casting their votes on May 14th. 
Today, I would also like to take a moment and share an email which I received -- and the response I gave this individual: 
Hello, Mr.Sharp, my name is Taylor,  
I am currently doing a research project on the different political parties, looking for what they intend to do if they win.  On your webpage, you say "we need a change!". I would like for you to try to sell my vote to your party. Why do you think you are certain you'll win? 
Good luck, thanks  
I responded to this individual saying: 
Good morning Taylor, 
Thank you for contacting me, and for your question.  There is nothing certain about me, or any of my fellow candidates, winning election on May 14th.  I do believe however that we do need change, and that appears to be a feeling amongst many of the people here in BC.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

BC Conservatives have a number of common sense ideas, which we believe can indeed provide a better education system, for students -- teachers -- and parents

The BC Teachers Federation recently asked the leaders of BC's political parties, their thoughts on a number of questions.  Here are the questions, and the responses made by BC Conservative party leader John Cummins. 

Question 1: Teachers are feeling battered after a decade of cutbacks and restrictions on bargaining rights. What can you offer that would restore some hope of improvement?  

I think that the reality is that, here in British Columbia, there is a crying need for people with the skills necessary to obtain the educational resources, if you will, necessary to lead productive lives and of course it starts right at the beginning, it starts in elementary schools, secondary schools, and then there has to be obviously the post-secondary institutions that are ready to help prepare these people to lead productive lives

We see now in British Columbia that that is simply not the case. We are having to bring people into this province to perform jobs that British Columbians are more than capable of performing but we don’t have the skilled people necessary, and I think that’s a reflection on governments’ commitment to financing adequately the education system and I don’t think that can continue

Teachers are obviously valuable members of our community, they’re the frontline when it comes to providing those educational services, and I think that government has to ensure that teachers are going to work each day with a positive frame of mind, which I know that they do, but without that lingering doubt that their value and worth is recognized by government and the public at large

Question 2: Are you prepared to restore full, free, collective bargaining right? 

Well, what I think we need to do—well it would be easy to say yes to that—but I think what we need to do is restore a positive relationship between teachers and bargaining agents and build a trust between the two. 

I would just hate to think that to solve these issues we have to go to strike, it certainly is negative and I’m sure that most teachers would feel the same way that that’s the last thing they want to see. I would rather see us at this point try to resolve our issues without having to resort to a strike; I think it’s counterproductive and it doesn’t do any one any good, whether it’s the students or the teachers

Question 3: Teachers’ salaries are falling further and further behind those of other provinces. What will you do about that? 

On the salary issue, I think that part of the problem is that the public loses a sense of where teachers stand in relation to other provinces and other professions.

Too often, in the bargaining process, the needs in the classroom are brought to the fore and the teachers, when it comes to their salary, the pay that they deserve, the jobs that they do, don’t get that public recognition or they’re not part of the discussion.  

I think in that sense there has to be a separation between the legitimate wage, pensions, and benefits demands of teachers and the legitimate pedagogical concerns. I think that if we do that it could help the public become aware of any shortcomings that there may be, and it makes it easier for government to address those concerns

Question 4: Bills 27 and 28 stripped the collective agreement in 2002. There has been a huge loss of classroom teachers and learning specialist teachers over the last 10 years. What will you do to redress the situation?  

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Now for your entertainment ... "A conversation with Christy Clark and John Martin"

One day (one year apart), now BC Liberal candidate John Martin*, and BC Premier Christy Clark, had a conversation**.
For your entertainment, I now present this piece of satire entitled, "A conversation with Christy Clark and John Martin"
Christy Clark:
"So why is it if it wasn't okay for Jim and Mavis Clark to leave me and my brothers with a debt, why is it okay for our government to leave our kids with a debt?" 
"The Liberal government has failed the people of British Columbia and has squandered trust with the public ..." 
Christy Clark:
"When you get into this borrow, spend, tax cycle, it's a trap." 
"The best way to hold Christy Clark and the BC Liberal government accountable is by voting for the BC Conservatives ...
Christy Clark:
"I thought about what that mother was feeling for her daughter.  She aspired for her daughter. She made sacrifices to put that little girl in that dress. And to make sure that little girl would have an experience of life that she never had." 
"I can’t think of a more crass decision (by Christy Clark) in the name of electioneering in light of this upcoming by-election." 
Christy Clark:
"Do we want to create a prosperity fund for our children that will mean over $100 billion over 30 years, $4 to $8 billion in new revenue every year? Because if we do that, we will surely be changing the future for our children." 
" … a vote for the BC Conservatives is vote to send  Christy Clark’s Liberal government a message that people are tired of failed Liberal policies." 
Christy Clark:
"This is, have no doubt about it, going to be a hard-fought, close election. But every election can be won. But this one is one that must be won. Our kids are depending on all of us." 
It is quite clear that the government is desperately trying to buy votes in this upcoming by-election with taxpayers’ money." 
"I have a simple message: if you want a common sense Conservative, vote Conservative.”

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC!

* in April 2012 John Martin ran ,against the Liberals, as a BC Conservative Party candidate
** Please note, all quotes are accurate, and attributable to the person named.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Freedom of 'choice' in political donations of time, and money ... "Mr Friedman, is that something BC New Democrats agree with?”

“Strong-arm tactics” ... “Political shakedown”  
That’s what two British Columbia business leaders are calling an NDP fund-raising letter asking for a $5,000 “donation” to party coffers. In an April 20, 2013 Globe and Mail article, BC businessmen stated that they were on the receiving end of a not-so-subtle letter noting that these businesses had donated to the Liberal Party in the past. 
The underlying message seems to be—when we assume power, we’re going to remember our friends. The NDP have other friends —big unions.  
I'd like to ask fellow candidate Tom Friedman, if he can explain why he is fine with the BC Government Employees Union (BCGEU) leadership actively promoting the NDP in this election — and sending their members’ dues to the NDP election war chest
They have urged all their members to commit to volunteer on NDP candidate campaigns.  Has his party leader, Adrian Dix, not stated several times recently, that he is in agreement that unions and big business should not be donating to political party’s
Frankly, union members should not be pressured to support one particular party, but rather, be encouraged to contribute time or money according to their own individual political preference
The BC Conservative Party believes in freedom of choice in political donating, whether it is volunteer time or campaign contributions. Conservatives - through policy, principles and platform - have pledged to ban corporate and union donations, and allow only individuals to donate to political parties. 
We need a fresh approach to politics in this province, and we need an approach that does not put pressure on businesses ,or union members, to support one party over another
Mr. Friedman, is that something the BC New Democrats agree with
Political parties shouldn’t be in anyone’s 'pocket. -- it’s about freedom of choice. That’s a value that the BC Conservative Party stands for.  
Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Your participation in the democratic process is something no union, or political party, should take for granted.

Do we need to get big business and big labour out of political parties?

Most British Columbians seem to think, so if polls are right.

Unfortunately however the 'leadership' of the BCGEU fails to understand this, as they continue to promote and work for the NDP.

Is this something the individual membership the BCGEU has had a chance to approve?  A number of members, who have contacted me, say not.

Government should be there for the betterment of all people -- the leaders of the BCGEU however seem to think it is there to push their own personal agenda, as this portion of an email from them, promoting their "BCGEU Votes" campaign shows:

" ... up for discussion is everything from voter registration to the importance of electing a government that shares our values ... it is time for a change (part of NDP campaign slogan) ... we have the power to bring about change on May 14 ... get involved in this election ... offer to volunteer on a local election campaign. Whether it’s putting up signs, knocking on doors, or working the phones, there is plenty of work to be done.

... labour movement has won many gains at the bargaining table. But some gains can only be won at the ballot box. Between now and May 14 let’s work hard and elect a government that understands our values and will build a province of which we can all be proud

The BC Conservative Party has put forward a platform that will benefit all British Columbians across the social-economic scale --- and in particular promote the kind of development that will require thousands of skilled union workers.
The NDP meantime have put forward positions that will stifle good high paying union jobs -- and yet the BCGEU calls them the friends of labor.

How does that make sense?

I'd like to encourage all voters to look closely at the platforms of each party -- and then make an informed decision.

Your vote does count -- your vote is important -- and your participation in the democratic process is something no union, or political party, should take for granted.

See what each of the party's has to offer -- investigate for yourself what each of them stands for -- and then decide which best suits your own personal beliefs.

BC Conservative Party: http://www.bcconservative.ca/what-we-stand-for/election-platform/

BC NDP: http://www.bcndp.ca/ ... they do not appear to have platform posted to their website
It is rather unfortunate that the BC NDP have not seen fit to have their policies and platform online.  I will leave it up to you to decide on why that may be the case.

I hope that our BC Conservative policies will resonate, in a positive way, with you.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the campaign office at 324 Victoria Street in Kamloops.  You can also call the campaign office at (778) 471-4335.

I'm Peter Sharp --- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I Believe in BC!

Since posting this late last night, the Globe and Mail has a piece online from Gary Mason: "NDP letter asking for donations has some businesses seeing red".  This letter is just one more reason for the call to have only 'individuals (not business or unions) to be the ones to support the party's they believe in:

NDP Leader Adrian Dix likes to talk about a balanced approached to governing. It now appears that philosophy extends to fundraising as well.

Some members of the B.C. business community are questioning the message they say is embedded in a fundraising letter that the New Democrats have been sending out to people who have financially supported only the B.C. Liberals in the past.

The missives are being sent out under the name of Jan O’Brien, provincial secretary of the party, but Mr. Dix’s imprimatur is prominent. The letter begins by informing the recipient that building a relationship with the business community is a top priority of the NDP Leader. It talks about how the prospective B.C. premier believes a strong private sector is key to economic development in the province – in other words, he is not a wild-eyed advocate of the communist collective.

And just so the recipients understand they would not be the first business leaders to make such a donation, the communique makes it clear that Mr. Dix has appreciated the support he’s received from other members of the financial sector. In an attempt to dispel any concern that an NDP government would favour unions, the letter says a Dix administration would include everyone at the table.

Then Ms. O’Brien gets to the point.

The letter documents the donation total that the recipient – or his or her company – has made to the Liberal Party over a specified number of years.
“It is our hope that you will adopt a balanced approach to your support in the lead up to the election in May,” it states. “I am asking your organization to make a contribution in the range of $5,000 now to show your commitment to a balanced approach to government.”

It then provides a link to a secure website where the person can immediately make a contribution.

At another time, those receiving a letter of this nature might have thought nothing of it. But in the context of the current election, one in which the New Democrats are decided favourites, it takes on a different hue.

Those getting such a dispatch might be forgiven for thinking they were being sent a pointed directive: We know who you are, we know who you’ve supported in the past, and it might be wise given the current political environment if you made a little donation to our party.

“You could say this is normal politics or you could say it’s a not-so-subtle strong-armed tactic,” said one business person who received the letter but did not want his name used. “[It’s implying], ‘You have never supported us before, but we’re going to win, and we will remember who did and who did not help us this time.’”

Another business person characterized the letter as a “political shakedown.”
It will not surprise you that the NDP says that was not the intent at all. The letter was simply intended, Ms. O’Brien told me, to reach out to corporations that have shown in the past they are willing to donate to political parties to see if they would consider the NDP.

“As part of the democratic process, political parties fund their campaigns with political donations,” Ms. O’Brien said. “But people have a choice, absolutely. We’ve just asked them to take a balanced approach to campaign donations.”
But that’s not what the letter says. It effectively states that the company should donate to the NDP as well as the Liberals in the name of taking a “balanced approach to government” – not campaign donations. Ms. O’Brien did not seem completely comfortable trying to explain what the letter meant in that regard. Or that it implies that people shouldn’t have a choice – that they should donate to both main parties.

And, of course, that’s wrong. People should be able to donate to whomever they want, and they certainly shouldn’t be leaned on by officials of parties that may soon take office and told that they should send some cash their way.

If there is any good news in all this, it’s the fact that should the NDP form government, it has vowed that donations from corporations and unions will be outlawed. Let’s hope letters such as the one Ms. O’Brien authored will be a thing of the past as well.