Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Friday, 3 May 2013

Change for the better will not come from taxing and spending more -- as BOTH the Liberals and NDP have proposed.

Last night was the CBC / Kamloops Daily News all-candidates forum.  From coverage in the newspapers today one would be hard pressed to know that BC Conservatives attended, and actually had some important comments to make, but that's life.
Regardless, I would like to provide you with the opening and closing statements I made last night.

Good evening, and thank you for being here tonight.  
Earlier this year Terry Lake was quoted saying:  “What we do see, as we get closer to election, is that people are understanding what the BC Conservatives are all about ...”
Terry's implied threat, was there was something to be concerned about. 
Well let me tell you one thing here and now -- he knows that his implied statement was completely without a scrap of truth. 
In fact ... because WE BELIEVE IN BC ... and the people of BC ... I am proud to say our beliefs, principles and policies differ greatly from the BC Liberal Party. 
WE - as BC Conservatives - believe in clearly defined policies and programs that are affordable, effective, and accountable to each one of you.  
We believe you are entitled to full knowledge of the services government provides ... AND what they cost. 
After all ... how else can any of us know if we are getting good value? 
WE -- as BC Conservatives --  believe that our provincial government must operate with the highest standards of integrity and transparency.  
And we believe that governments at all levels ... are responsible to serve, and respect, all individuals and their families.  
In a matter of minutes I am sure that Kamloops South BC Liberal Todd Stone, will repeat Christy Clarks claim that top bond rating agencies have declared her budget as one which is balanced. 
That is a NOT true. 
Helmut Pastrick, the chief economist of Central One Credit Union says Moody's and other credit rating agencies examine budget projections ... they DO NOT verify them as balanced ... or not balanced. 
In fact, Queen University economist Donald Drummond, said Moody's actually raised concerns about the government hitting its balanced target. 
The provincial budget in February came with a 'claim' it was balanced ... but how does that square with a report from BC Statistics?  
Under this so-called balanced budget, BC Stats showed a further $6.7 billion in debt was about to be added -- another 10% increase -- over the four year budget projections presented in the legislature. 
I am proud to say I am a BC Conservative --- I am proud to say I BELIEVE in BC --- and I am proud to say that using common sense, WE CAN do better. 
Change for the better will not come from taxing and spending more -- as BOTH the Liberals and NDP have proposed.  
Instead it will come from getting back to basics and learning to spend smarter. 
I will come from MLA's who are truly free to be accountable to, and vote the wishes of, the people they represent. 
I HAVE the authority to do exactly that, by my party, and by my leader John Cummins.   
And ... I can assure you this is NOT a statement which either BC Liberal Todd Stone, OR the NDP's Tom Freidman, will be able to make to you.

It is however, one I intend to keep when elected your MLA.  

Thank you.

Thank you again for being part of tonight's forum, to hear where each of us stands on issues import to you. 
As a former city councilor, I have first-hand experience on why those you elect have the responsibility to represent your interests.

Leadership at all levels (from teachers in the classroom -- to elected officials in Victoria) MUST encourage our youth ... parents ...  employees and employers ... to once again dream big dreams, and bring them to reality.  
We need to again strive towards excellence and prosperity. 
You deserve to have real choice -- a real option! 
During their terms in office, both the NDP and Liberals headed down the same path creating bigger government ... running deficits year after year ... and increasing the debt our children and grand-children will ultimately be responsible for. 
It’s time to end the ongoing financial mismanagement -- and lack of accountability -- that have been the hallmarks of BOTH the NDP and BC Liberals. 
BC Conservatives are committed to 'smarter' spending of the resources government receives -- not asking for, and spending, more. 
We are committed to govern using the commons sense wisdom of everyday British Columbians' ... and as the elected MLA for Kamloops South Thompson ... I WILL first and foremost be accountable to you.
I am proud to say I am a BC Conservative, a party that believes in the future of our province. 
In an opinion piece today, the Armchair Mayor said this campaign has seen no "Knock-out punch". 
On May 14th, I ask you to land one -- elect me as your representative for Kamloops South Thompson.
Thank you.

There you go --- my comments to start, and end, last nights forum. 
Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

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