Let's 'stay sharp' in Kamloops South Thompson ...

... elect Peter Sharp BC Conservative MLA

Thursday, 28 March 2013

"13 top ranking executives with Interior Health Authority earning over $200 thousand dollars per year" ... average salary is a quarter million dollars

Public sector salaries in government Crown Corporation and Agencies continue to rise across the province -- including within the Interior Health Authority (IHA). 

News out today shows that there are currently 13 top ranking executives with the Interior Health Authority now earning over $200 thousand dollars per year. 

The lowest is making in excess of $218 thousand dollars a year ... the highest, over $355 thousand.  These executives are making a combined total of $3.3 million dollars a year. 

While all this happen, Premier Christy Clark continues to enjoy her taxpayer funded photo-op tour of the province making announcements of 'far-in-the-future' projects that will never see the light of day

The Interior Health Authority, responsible for Royal Inland Hospital, has overseen the closure of a fully equiped operating theater, hundreds of beds, the reduction of front-line workers, and a never ending litany of 'emergencies' within its' own ER. 

In recent weeks, we have had ER Doctors on the record saying just how bad things are.  The emergency room, and the hospital, regularly runs at over 100% capacity

I have heard from one person after the other praising doctors, nurses, and other front-line staff for making a valiant effort under what has to be extremely trying conditions.   How can the staff of RIH perform their duties when the ER is continuing overcapacity, and patients have beds in hallways

The latest Public Sector Salary Report now shows the Interior Health Authority with a total of 26 hundred and twenty two (2,622) people in administrative roles -- that for 18,500 doctors, nurses, and other front line workers.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

"The role of unions is to help members in the work place. Using the dues of union members in partisan politics is not, in my opinion, a role they should be engaging in

BC Conservatives believe that support for political party's should come from individual people --- NOT from BIG business -- NOT from BIG labour.

I do not believe that monies union members pay in dues, should be used for partisan purposes, not at least without them members having an opportunity to decide by secret ballot if this is something they are in favour of.

The following is just one more reason why I believe this should not be permitted. Here we have the leadership of the BCGEU not only is blatantly supporting the NDP and using the dues of union members to do so -- support for this cause appears to be so weak they are now basically pleading for members to take part.

The campaign, "BCGEU Votes" is an outreach program, and while it does not outright call for the support of the NDP, there is little doubt as to who the recipients of their time and energies will be.

This campaign is not about promoting what is right for the majority of hard working British Columbian's. No, instead they say that
"Getting our members out to vote is critically important for our union."

They also state, "The future of our union, our members and our province, depends on it."

You can read more about it in the following email, which was provided to us, by a member of the BCGEU.  In fact -- two emails were received from them. The second shows that there does not appear to be a lot of support for this campaign.

In part, Karri Bepple states,
"I haven't had a lot of people respond to me about the Saturday, April 6th event - I know it's a few short weeks away and I would really appreciate if you can help me get the word out to more members."

Many of these areas have been noted with BLUE italics in the two emails provided to me.

It appears they are now having to offer prizes in the hopes of having people come out to attend their workshops. Again these areas have been noted in BLACK italics

PEOPLE should support what they believe in. Politics is not where big business and big labor should be calling the shots.

The role of unions is to help workers in the work place – spending the dues of union members in partisan politics is not in my opinion a role they should be engaging in.

That's what I believe -- what say you?

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC.

NOW ... here are the two email messages which I had forwarded to me:

From: Kari Bepple <kari.bepple.bcgeu@gmail.com>
Date: 12 March, 2013 3:19:13 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Political Action Campaign - BCGEU Votes! needs your help!

Hi folks, 

You are receiving this email because you are members that are involved in activism - some on your local exec, some as stewards, or bargaining reps, or OHS reps or all of the above! I felt it made sense to send this out to you all first! 

BCGEU has launched a membership outreach campaign called BCGEU VOTES! Our Provincial Executive has made this a priority for the union and the objective of the campaign is to outreach to all of our members and confirm that they will get out and vote!! I recently spent two days in training and will be overseeing the campaign for area 05 for the next two months. - here is a message I received at training last week from our President, Darryl Walker:

"This is perhaps one of the most important campaigns our union has ever undertaken. The future of our union, our members and our province, depends on it."  

This is our opportunity to really make a change for the better—especially for our members and families. Getting our members out to vote is critically important for our union and hopefully we will see change. You are key to making this happen.  

With your help, we are going to talk to our 65,000 members about the importance of this election--in lunch rooms, at meetings, over the phone, through social media and other communications, and on the doorstep. 

17 key members, working with staff, will put together a campaign plan to engage and mobilize our members around the election.  

For those of you that don't know me I am the local chair of 305 and I'm heading up the political action team (area 05) for BCGEU Votes! I will be on book off until May 14, 2013 working out of the area office. I have a few things I'd appreciate your help with. 

If you have some time you can spare to come out and help me get the word out to members, I'd appreciate hearing from you! I will be entering people's names that volunteer into draws for prizes and will make sure everyone is fed whenever they come out

I am planning a number of events over the next few months where I will build a team of volunteers to go to the doorsteps of our members and encourage them to get out and vote or to come in and do some really easy phone banks that I will make fun and worthwhile. It will be members engaging members. 

I am looking for union members to give as little as two hours of their time and I guarantee we will make it fun. I hope that every Local will come out to help do this. We are going to be issuing prizes for the local that gets the most participation with door knocking/phone banking combined. Perhaps there is another local you can challenge??? 

Monday, 25 March 2013

My job is to let people know they have a choice and an option – it's a choice I am passionate about – and it's one that I sincerely believe in

Today was another day on the campaign trail … and another chance to show why I believe the BC Conservative Party is a choice worthy of consideration by the voters of our province – especially those living right here in Kamloops South Thompson.

This afternoon I was invited to speak at the Kamloops Rotary Club Luncheon, which was held at the Hotel 420 on Victoria Street.  There were 30+ members present for lunch, and after our meal I was introduced, and then it was my turn to speak.

As I looked across the room, I recognized many of those present. They were all reputable people from the community, many of them businessmen and women, as well as lawyers, accountants, doctors, and a number of people who are now retired. All them gave me their time – and their attention.

I had a chance to speak about my family, and some of the things I have had the privilege to be a part of in our community. Then I told them why I was a BC Conservative, and why I wanted to be the next MLA for Kamloops South Thompson.

I began with a subject that has been front and center in Kamloops. It's one which has been a huge concern to many people in our community. I spoke on the Interior Health Authority – health care – and in particular our very own Royal Inland Hospital.

We are suffering from shortages of front line staff, of acute care beds, as well as needing more long term beds. I spoke of the lack of funds for building a better hospital for Kamloops, and for the many people in the outlying communities our Royal Inland Hospital serves.

I looked at comparisons between our hospital here in Kamloops --- and those in the Okanagan communities of Vernon and Kelowna; but mainly Kelowna.

I let people know a fact many are NOT aware of, how the BC Liberal government has spent over $843 million on new hospital infrastructure in Kelowna and Vernon over the past 10 years, while spending less than 10% of that amount (over the same period of time) here in our community of Kamloops.

Then I spoke of our ballooning provincial debt twhich has now reached over $60 billion, and which continues to climb – and I wrapped up by sharing my belief we now have a government so consumed with power, that they have become arrogant.

I believe my talk gave the audience reason to think about a party, that perhaps they have not given serious consideration too, up until now.

I concluded that now is the time for change --- and that we as BC Conservatives are ready to prove their worth in the next election.

My job is to let people know they have a choice and an option – it's a choice I am passionate about – and it's one that I sincerely believe in.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp – I'm a BC Conservative – and I BELIEVE in BC.

I will always remember this day for the rest of my life. Thank you all so much

Friday March 22nd will be a day that I will always remember. 

It was the day that I had the privilege, along with our BC Conservative Party leader  John Cummins and his wife Sue Cummins, to open OUR Kamloops South Thompson Campaign Office on Victoria Street.  

And it was a great day for a grand opening.  All the local news media, including radio and TV were present, and John Cummins conducted an impromptu news conference right off the bat, even before things officially got underway. 

The weather cooperated so that the three Highland Pipers were able to pipe me up Victoria Street to the new office.  There John and I cut the ribbon together.  

That was followed by the "Official Campaign Opening Haircut" from my all time favorite barber, John DeCicco.  

A good crowd showed up to help celebrate.  I really felt humbled at the amount of support that I am getting from everyone.  

I would like to thank John and Sue Cummins for taking time out of their busy schedule, to risk the snowy Coquihalla Highway, to be here for me. 

To all my Kamloops South Thompson Constituency Association Board Members, without whose help I could not have come this far. 

To all the Kamloops media for covering this special event.  

To all the party members who showed up as well as friends and supporters. 

And especially to my wife, Dyanne, without whose support I could not have started on this adventure. 


I will always remember this day for the rest of my life.  Thank you all so much. 

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I Believe in BC!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

"John Cummins and the BC Conservatives have a better plan", says Kamloops South Thompson candidate Peter Sharp

The following is the latest media releasde from the Peter Sharp Campaign office:

KAMLOOPS:  "John Cummins and the BC Conservatives have a better plan." 

So stated Peter Sharp, BC Conservative Party candidate for Kamloops South Thompson, after reviewing the parties 28 page election platform released today.  

The BC Conservative Party has outlined, in detail, their vision for the future of British Columbia. Here are three highlights of particular interest to the people of Kamloops:

  1. The residents of Kamloops are justifiably concerned about the state of our health care system.  BC has the lowest per capita number of nurses per 100,000 population in Canada and that is simply unacceptable.  Royal Inland Hospital is operating in crisis mode, and thousands do not have access to a family doctor.  The BC Conservatives are determined to fix this. 
  2. Everyone understands fair taxes are necessary to provide essential services for all British Columbians.  But the Liberal government’s Carbon Tax is unfair.  It penalizes the ranchers and farmers who grow our food, and unfairly taxes Interior residents of BC who live in the colder parts of the province, and who have to drive much longer distances.  A BC Conservative government will repeal this unfair tax.
  3. The BC justice system has declined alarmingly under the BC Liberal government.  It is underfunded, resulting “revolving door” justice, and huge delays, with some criminals walking away unpunished.  BC Conservatives believe in safer communities and will commit the necessary resources to protect BC citizens and their property.
Peter Sharp has an extensive and positive track record in local government, and community service.  He is excited about taking the BC Conservative platform to the electors of Kamloops South. 

“This is the kind of common sense plan the people of Kamloops deserve from their government.”  Sharp concluded.

Details on the BC Conservative Party campaign platform can be found at http://www.bcconservative.ca/what-we-stand-for/election-platform

The news for the BC Liberals is NOT good

I've spent a bit of time over the past hour having a look at social media, and I have to say the news for the BC Liberals is NOT good.
Keith Baldrey has a column out today saying, "... the BC Libs won't win back women voters ..."
And a sampling of comments appearing on Twitter are showing the following:
  • the "insincerity" problem won't go away it seems
  • Christy Clark approval rating down 4%
  • poll shows BC Liberals trailing badly
  • Why BC Liberals see hope in the polls (and why they’re probably wrong)
  • Little hope for BC Liberals in province's polling history
  • there is a strong sense that the public is quite prepared to throw people out of office
  • why do the BC Liberals pay corporate welfare? Why the Pacific Carbon Trust?
I know there are a number of hard working BC Liberal MLAs that are doing their best, under extremely trying circumstances.  The fact that the Premiers Office lurches from one scandal, and resignation, to another is guaranteeing most of them will go down to defeat in May's general election.

British Columbians need an alternative to the Liberals.  We as BC Conservatives will be that alternative.  Spread the BC Conservative Party message of accountability, common sense, and openness.
Our BC Conservative Party Election Platform is now available online, and it continues, and expands, on our theme of "We Believe in BC".  It outlines our plans to once again make British Columbia the envy of all other provinces in Canada.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.
I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC!

Here is what I plan to do. I am going to trust in the process

The concerns Kamloops residents have regarding their health, and the health of our community ... and ensuring we do everything possible to maintain and project our environment ... are high on the mind of many people in the area; people from all walks of life.

This of course is due to the AJAX mine proposal, which has been under discussion for some time.

For anyone interested, there is an organization called the Association for MineralExploration British Columbia and a lot of general information regarding the benefits of mines in BC can be found there.

As I mentioned in a commentary, I posted online March 11th ("I'm still not anexpert, but I'm willing to learn"), I attended a public forum in Kamloops which was hosted by Kamloops Moms for Clean Air. 

This led me to meet with one of the staff members at KGHM International, Jean-Paul Salley (External Affairs Specialist), to talk about the AJAX mine project.

Again as I mentioned on March 11th, I'm no expert, but I did fill another several pages with notes from my discussion with Jean-Paul.

At the moment, the proponents are in the process of working towards satisfying the application process for environmental standards, and there are a total 41 valued components which must be met.

In meeting with Jean-Paul I had a strong sense, and feeling, of sincerity when he spoke to a belief in responsible development, and that the project must be done responsibly. 

As Jean-Paul Sallery said to me, "KGHM International is committed long-term, to this project, and the community.  I can assure you that all activities will be done responsibly, in keeping with the company's ethos and legacy." 

That, I think, is one of the reasons why KGHM International has their doors open to meaningful dialogue regarding the mine project.

I also asked about what kind of thresholds would be looked at, not just by the mine proponents, but by those who will be involved at the provincial and federal levels, in doing the environmental assessment studies. As I suspected, the threshold levels will be much higher.  That's because of the mines proximity to the city of Kamloops.

In layman's terms, that sounds to me like a higher level of accountability and scrutiny.

Should the mine clear the environmental assessment, conducted by both the BC Environmental Assessment Authority and their Federal counterparts, there will be a number of checks and balances put in place.  Furthermore, each agency will conduct its' own investigational study, and make recommendations to their respective level of government.

I'm all for that!

This will provide the opportunity for a distinct separation of powers.  It will also see the best minds coming together, in an educated conclusion, either for -- or against -- the AJAX project.

Look ... I have to tell you, I don't know if the AJAX mine proposal is one that should go ahead in our community.  Here's what I do know; all we have at the moment is raw data.  There is nowhere near enough information, on which to base a decision, on what will be a VERY IMPORTANT choice for the people of our city.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

ADVISORY: BC Conservative open Kamloops South Thompson Campaign Office

This Friday will mark the official kick-off, to the Peter Sharp election campaign, for the riding of Kamloops South Thompson. 

"I'm delighted with the hard work of our campaign in finding what I believe to be an excellent location, where we will be able to meet and talk to voters during the days ahead, to May 14th when ballots will be cast", stated Sharp.

"We as BC Conservatives are going in to this campaign saying 'We BELIEVE in BC'."

"That's more than just a catchy slogan", Sharp continued.  "We do believe in BC ... in the resourcefulness of our people, in our ability to dream and achieve big dreams, in our ability to create the kinds of jobs where people can raise a family and own a home, and our ability to be the job-driver of the Canadian economy." 

"YES ... we believe in BC!"

BC Conservative candidate Peter Sharp will be joined by several friends, from the Kamloops Pipeband Society, as they pipe him up Victoria Street to the campaign office.

The campaign office, at 324 Victoria Street, will then have an official ribbon cutting ceremony.

On hand for the occasion, will be BC Conservative party leader John Cummins. 

Peter is an outstanding candidate for our party,” said John Cummins.  Peter has a lengthy record of public service, both with the RCMP and as an elected city councilor.  I'm proud to have him on our team.” 

Also playing a role in the festivities will be long-time friend, and barber, John DeCicco. Like Peter, John is also a former Kamloops City Councillor.

Said Peter, "On budget day the Finance Minister has a new pair of shoes.  I've asked my friend John to come across the street from his barber shop to give me the 'official campaign kick-off haircut'.  I am delighted he has agreed!"

Members of the public are invited to stop by for the opening celebration, which will continue through to 6pm.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Neither the NDP or Liberals have seen fit to ensure that the hard working doctors, nurses, and support staff at Royal Inland have what they need for more timely patient care

A story in Kamloops This Week says:
It’s not quite the same as a shell game, but the pieces — stretchers with patients on them — are getting moved around almost as much some nights at Royal Inland Hospital.

Now, here's what I personally have to say, this is an outrage. Further, our hospital in Kamloops has indeed been be part of a chess game; one in which patients are the pawns. 

Government talks about how much is being done, but in fact very little, with the exception of the barest of necessities, gets attention.  AND ... this has happened under the watch of BOTH the NDP, and the BC Liberals.

What possible explanation can they provide for this?

The more nurses and doctors I talk with, the more families I meet who have seen first hand the conditions in our ER, and the more I read ... the more outraged I am becoming.

Neither the NDP or Liberals have seen fit to ensure that the hard working doctors, nurses, and support staff at Royal Inland have what they need for more timely patient care.

EVERY community deserves to have the best possible patient care that can be provided to the residents. 

This leads me to question why, in recent years, Kelowna and Vernon have been the recipients of $840 million dollars in upgrades to their hospitals (the vast majority spent in Kelowna) ... while Kamloops has received just $80 million.

Our community, despite an ever increasing population, has seen 50% of patients beds at RIH removed and closed in the past two decades.  This under governments led by both the NDP & BC Liberals.

What possible excuse can they have for this?  As far as I am concerned, there is NONE!  And I would have to say most people in Kamloops, no matter what the political leaning may be, agree.

The number of people being looked after at the ER has also increased by over 50 percent, and yet the needs to care for these Emergency patients has not kept pace.

We deserve better ... and I pledge right now, that when I am elected as your MLA, I will not rest until we get no less than our fair share.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops!

I'm Peter Sharp – I'm a BC Conservative – and I believe in BC.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Judges at any level, listening to two opponents arguing like this, would give them the sharp end of their tongue in rebuke

Today in Kamloops, we have been treated to the news media filled with stories of alleged improprieties, with NDP supporters of Tom Friedman using the email accounts of Thompson Rivers University, to seek support and donations.

The NDP has fired back that Todd Stone was falsely given credit at a BC Liberal government funding announcement for the Law School at TRU. 

And Christy Clark apologizes, again, saying “Serious mistakes were made” after it came to light that government staffers were exploring ways to promote the BC Liberal party at taxpayer expense.

I have to tell you, we are witnessing nothing less than a simple case of the pot calling the kettle black, in order to garner voters from unsuspecting voters.  We have two political opponents are doing little more than arguing one side cheated more than the other

As a former RCMP officer, I can tell you that judges at any level, listening to two opponents arguing like this, would give them the sharp end of their tongue in rebuke for wasting the courts valuable time.  In this case, not only are they wasting time in arguments like these, they are clearly using taxpayers money for partisan purposes. This is misuse and misappropriation of the peoples money.  

It is becoming increasingly clear we need a change.  The BC Conservative Party is one with a clear common sense vision for our province. 

We have made a commitment that our government will manage the province with the highest standards of integrity and transparency.  We will be accountable to the people of British Columbia.

I call on all voters, in Kamloops South Thompson, to support the BC Conservative Party and help bring about the change we need in here in British Columbia.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I believe in BC.

FOLLOW-UP.  Since I wrote this earlier today, I came across a story in the Province newspaper.  I don't know about you, but this stirs outrage in me.

Premier Christy Clark’s inner circle developed and executed a comprehensive strategy that used government resources for partisan purposes in an effort to advance the interests of the B.C. Liberal Party in swing ridings, the Province has learned.
CLICK HERE to read more:

Thursday, 14 March 2013


The BC Provincial General Election, taking place in May, will be an important one for British Columbian's.  That's why I would like to hear your thoughts, concerns and questions.

Please feel free to use the Comments box and post your comments or questions. 

I will respond to you as quickly as I am able.

Peter Sharp
BC Conservative Party candidate
Kamloops South Thompson

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

"Canadian Armed Forces, and Interior Health Authority, Top Heavy With Bureaucracy?"

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to speak to approximately 140 members of the BC Nurses Union in Kamloops, at a noon hour meeting, today.  The nurses came from across the Interior Health Authority (IHA), and had gathered for discussions, at the Coast Kamloops Convention Center

Joining me was fellow BC Conservative candidate Mike McLoughlin from Kelowna, along with Kamloops South Thompson NDP candidate Tom Friedman. No representatives of the BC Liberals were in attendance. 

I felt very comfortable speaking with the nurses.  We spoke to a variety of subjects related to medical care in BC, but especially the IHA, and what appears to be a top-heavy bureaucracy.  

One of the things I wanted to be sure they understood, is that BC Conservatives have made a firm commitment to conduct a review of all government ministries to determine if, and where, efficiencies can be found.  

When I told them that, "We need to build up front-line staff, and look to reducing, what seems to be a top heavy management system," that received a large round of applause. 

I also told them that, "As a former members of the Canadian Armed Forces, I used to think they were over managed with the number of Generals and Senior Officers they had."

"I have now found that we in BC have an organization which, in my opinion, is even worse.  That is the IHA, which has a ratio of one person in administration / management, for every 6.3 front-line, or support employee, providing services."

BC Conservatives definately stand for common sense governmentr.  Health Care, Education, and Social Services will be the top 3 priorities of a BC Conservative Party led government. 

But to do that, ongoing deficits, and ever increasing debt, must end.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops.

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

That's sucking money away from the front lines and we don't think it's right

One of our BC Conservative candidates had the following question asked of him by someone in the nursing field.  

What is the BC conservatives stand on the issues the BC Nurses Union faces in the province, and in general what is their stand on unions. I am little concerned about the potential for union busting as a means to cut wages so that corporations can save money. Given I am a female in a predominately female profession if it weren't for the union I do not think I would be making the wage I am able to make now. 

As John Cummins pointed out at the budget unveiling, we're not interested in creating labour strife.

We're more interested in the fact that block funding has created a bureaucratic nightmare. In Interior Health alone there are over 2500 directors and managers. There's a manager of this and a director of that and an overseer of some sort for pretty much everything (recalling Monty Python's Minister of Silly Walks). The support structures build around that top-heavy bureaucracy are groaning with overstaffing. Almost half of them make over $100,000, in a geographical area in which the median income is around one third of that.

That's sucking money away from the front lines and we don't think it's right. That's where we're interested in streamlining. There are other associated problems with management that we're going to be looking into as well.  It is not the frontlines we're interested in ... that actually has to be strengthened

Now I actually did some research on staffing, with the Interior Health Authority, and here is what I found. There is a 9 person Senior Executive team which is responsible for day-to-day operations and management  ... plus a member Board of Directors ... plus 2,500 Directors and Manager.  

Total administration and management = 2,518 ... and that is for approximately 18,500 employees / staff. 

I'm not saying the answer is "No", however do we really need to have one management / administration person for every 6.3 employees? 

Salaries, of course, take up a huge bite from the health care budget -- including management.  It's difficult to find information, however in a story from the Kamloops Daily News, in January of last year, it noted the following:

Top staff at IHA (all figures exclude pension amounts)

  • Chief Executive Director ... in 2010/11, his new position boosted his pay to $346,014, up 18 per cent from his old pay rate.

Monday, 11 March 2013

PETER SHARP; "I'm still not an expert, but I'm willing to learn"

As many of you may have noted from posts I made to social media over the weekend, I attended Sunday's forum, put on by the Kamloops Mothers for Clean Air, which was held in the Parkside Lounge at Interior Savings Centre.  

Along with myself, there were about 300 plus people attending, ready to hear what the two guest speakers from Salt Lake City, Utah had to say.  

Speakers Cherise Udell and Dr. Brain Moench
They both provided a Power Point presentation, and spoke well, explaining their position - and objections - to the Rio Tinto Mine located in the area of their city.  This then led to a discussion of the reasons why residents of Kamloops should not have a mine near the City of Kamloops.  

Dr. Brian Moench told us all that he had suffered with two bouts of cancer, his wife had cancer and his daughter had a double mastectomy.  You couldn't help but feel sorry for his situation. 

What I am about to say now, in no way negates anything he had to say, however I (and perhaps others) did wonder about one thing in particular after he spoke; why he hasn't yet moved away from the area, with all the health issues that he and his family have suffered.  I don't recall him saying whether or not his families health problems, were a result of the mine location near his home.  

That said, he had a lot of information for us, and he came across very professional, and very qualified.

The founder of Utah Moms for Clean Air, Cherise Udell, clearly indicated to the audience that she gave no quarter to the Rio Tinto mining company near, or next to, the Salt Lake.  She started Moms for Clean Air five years ago because of an absolute need to promote healthy air quality for children, seniors, and the sick.

This Friday I'll be meeting with officials from AJAX Mine, where I'll have the opportunity to learn more about their proposal for Kamloops.

Anyway, I have to say that I'm glad I attended Sunday's forum, which was hosted by the former Editor of the Kamloops Daily News and the former Mayor of the City of Kamloops, Mel Rothenberger.  

It definitely gave me another perspective on the Ajax Mine proposal for Kamloops, and a lot more information to consider.  One things for sure, I'm still not an expert, but I'm willing to learn. 

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops!

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Our BC Liberal government is transitioning from being called on for its ethical actions -- to now becoming a nationwide joke

Sadly, our current BC Liberal government is transitioning from being called on for its ethical actions -- to now becoming a nationwide joke. 

Today in the National Post, people across the country are reading an article entitled: "Dear Diary: Christy Clark apologizes for smallpox, Head Tax, seagulls"

Monday: Ethnic scandal — bah! I don’t even consider this a setback.

If the East Indians and the Chinese won’t play ball, it just means we’ll just have to double-down on our strategies for mental patients, the elderly, gays, cyclists, baristas, MySpace users and black dwarves under 40.

There’s also the hipster vote: I think we can score a few ridings around East Vancouver if we convince them to vote for us ironically.

And get me some natives. The pleasant ones; not the blockade-y kind.

CLICK HERE to read the rest

Stories and articles like this, can only come about when the people no longer have a belief that government is serving anyone but themselves.

I hope you will join us on the campaign trail, as OUR BC Conservative Party puts forward one planks after the other, in a platform focused on returning accountability, and common sense, to government.

Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops!

I'm Peter Sharp -- I'm a BC Conservative -- and I BELIEVE in BC.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Says Peter Sharp: "You say tomato, I say tomahto"

News today from Statistics Canada shows that BC unemployment is now at 6.3 percent – expect the BC Liberal Party to shout that from the rooftops.
There really has been no change from last month. We lost thousands of jobs a month ago – and this month, statistically at least, it seems those people are employed again.”
The figures noted are from the latest survey results by Statistics Canada, but they tell a different tale than what BC Stats indicates on page #2 of the latest BC Monthly Labour Force Data.
I really don't see anything in the most recent information that should give the BC Liberals anything to take credit for, in fact I suggest the best thing to do would be silent.”
BC Stats shows that actual unemployment for February 2013 is sitting at 6.7 percent. In fact, if you look over the record of unemployment in BC, over the past decade, it too remains little changed. We have a 10 year average of 6.4 percent.” 
Will the current Kamloops BC Liberal MLA's, Kevin Krueger and Terry Lake, be able to make this spin in a way that looks good for the current government? 
"For all intensive purposes, both Statistics Canada and BC Stats are in agreement; there has been little or no change to employment in BC during the past month – and in fact over the past decade. I honestly don't see any good news with those numbers.
The line we all recall goes 'You Say Tomato -– I say Tomahto'.  That's what it seems we have here."
The BC Conservative Party is one with a clear common sense vision for our province. In the lead up to the 2013 provincial election, the BC Conservative Party will continue to release major policy planks – which will be part of a fully-costed election platform.
Let's 'stay sharp' Kamloops. 

I'm Peter Sharp ... I'm a BC Conservative ... and I BELIEVE in BC.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

We will do what is needed so that the forest industry -- vital for so many decades to the well being of interior communities including Kamloops -- DOES NOT become a sunset industry

A story in the Kamloops Daily News (Forest issues demand urgent action- Liberal voice absent from forum at TRU) began by stating;

A three-pronged strategy for tackling a morass of problems confronting B.C. forest management drew enthusiastic applause at a political forum on Wednesday.

Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson, a former NDP forest critic now sitting as an independent, said the next B.C. government should immediately strike a committee on forestry, restore the function of the province’s chief forester and consider holding a royal commission of inquiry. 

I attended the forum, which ran from 1 to 3pm, yesterday afternoon. Also present was our Shuswap BC Conservative Party candidate Tom Birch, Tom Freedman for the NDP, Independent MLA Bob Simpson from Cariboo North (via Skype), and Chris George of the Green Party from the Shuswap. 

The two sitting BC Liberal MLA's (Environment Minister Terry Lake -- and soon to be retired Kamloops South MLA Kevin Krueger) were not in attendance. That's understandable given the legislature is in session. I was surprised however to see that Todd Stone, who will be running for the Liberals to replace Kevin, was not at the forum.  

Forum moderator political commentator Vaughn Palmer, from the Vancouver Sun, said, “Most parties obliged (the forum invitation) and I’ll leave you to reach whatever conclusions you want.” 

Judging by some comments I overheard, it seems like more than just a few seemed to think that the Liberals 'haven't the time to discuss the deplorable state of our forest industry.' 

Regardless, there were introductory statement given by four participants on the panel.  This was followed by three questions which each of the participants were given a chance to answer.  

The story in the Kamloops Daily News included a retort, from Palmer who commented; "We would like to think that it will be like Question Period, only with content.” 

From my view, our BC Conservative representative Tom Birch, along with sitting MLA Bob Simpson, seemed to be the best prepared, and provided clear and informative comments.  

Tom Birch spoke from a position of knowledge and experience, and I feel came across well. He spoke in favour of change to the way we approach forestry practices. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

We will spend less than projected revenues, and we will do it protecting the three cores services; Health Care, Education, and Social Services

SHARP:  We will spend less than projected revenues, and we will do it protecting the three core services; Health Care, Education, and Social Services 

For Immediate Release:  March 6th, 2013

KAMLOOPS:  Meeting with over two dozen members of the news media yesterday in Vancouver, BC Conservative Party leader John Cummins announced a major plank in the 2013 Election platform; the parties Budgetand Fiscal Framework for the next 5 years.  
Kamloops South Thompson BC Conservative party candidate Peter Sharp, commenting on the plan, stated:
"Our budget outline is the framework we will be taking in to the elections.  It is one based on economic growth expected by Central One Credit Union; these are not numbers we have cherry picked from someone favorable to our party." 
Sharp continued:
"In our 5 year plan, we will spend less than our projected government revenues -- and we will do it protecting the three cores services we as BC Conservatives -- and all British Columbians -- want to see maintained; Health Care, Education, and Social Services.  Each will have increased financial resources and budgets over the term of this 5 year fiscal framework."
The BC Liberals have thrown up their hands and said things are bad so we'll just go ahead and spend money anyway.  They have not done what is needed to give the provinces visionaries the spark to create, and go ahead with, the jobs we need to really get the economy going. 
"We need to create an environment where our children, the next generation of business leaders, can begin to create more wealth and revenue for the provinces -- and to give the people of BC REAL jobs they can earn a good living at." 
BC Conservatives will be looking for efficiencies in government and it's ministries ... there are savings to be found without cutting front-line workers as the BC Liberals have down during their term in office.  
"Efficiencies are there, and government and its' ministries don't have to look hard to find them", stated Sharp. 

Monday, 4 March 2013

So who, you ask, is retired Command Sergeant Major James F. Stone?

Today I feel honoured to have the friendship of someone special I have known for the past 50 years. The man is retired Command Sergeant Major James F. Stone.

The other day out of the blue, I received an email from him. It made me stop and think about this goal which I, and many others, are trying to achieve here in Kamloops, British Columbia.

So who, you ask, is retired Command Sergeant Major James F. Stone?

Jim grew up in Iowa on his fathers farm, and as he tells it:
Of course my climb toward an education was by fixing aircraft during the day, and night school. Even though gasoline was 27 cents a gallon, I joined the Aire Force to make ends meet.”

After graduating from university he was drafted into the US Air Force. Jim served for 27 years, and during that time he obtained two Masters degrees. He earned the highest rank attainable as a Non Commissioned Officer. More than once, Jim turned down the opportunity to become a Commissioned Officer. 

He is a man firm in his beliefs, and convictions. When the US decided to renege on the promise for lifetime medical treatment for veterans, because of the National Budget, he volunteered to join Colonel Bud Day (Medal of Honor and Vietnam prisoner of war) to sue the US Government. That case resulted in what is known as 'Tricare for Life' – medical care for the retired veteran.

I met Jim in Tripoli, Libya when I was 12 years old. My father was stationed there, with the British Army. Jim was also stationed in Libya with the US Air Force. A bond grew between our two families, and since those years in Libya, my family and his have remained in contact. He is a very talented, capable and respected individual -- a father, a grandfather and a husband devoted to his wife Janet.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Office space ... and all one requires to equip it

The South Thompson River in Kamloops
Here is a quick note, for members and friends in the Kamloops area, from the Kamloops South Thompson BC Conservative Party Campaign Team:

We are looking for locations in Kamloops we can use as a campaign office for our candidate, Peter Sharp. It should be around 800 to 1,000 square feet with hopefully an entry area, and a couple of inner offices. Our preference would be for something that is ground level, and maybe the East end of Battle Street or the Valleyview area.

If you know of one we should look in to -- or have one available yourself -- please email the campaign team at sharp4MLA@gmail.com.

We will of course need all of the typical office requirements (desks (and the stuff needed in and on them), file cabinets, bookshelves, etc, up to an including a laptop or two. Donations for the duration of the campaign will be greatly appreciated.

Again contact the campaign team at sharp4MLA@gmail.com.

Last but not least, we will need dozens of volunteers to help out in the campaign.  From many the campaign office, to making phone calls, to doing research, to being on the sign team, to helping raise the remaining funds we will require.

Experience is not required ... just a willingness to help in whatever way you are able with support for the team YOU will be PART of.

Thanks, from the campaign team!